Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Usefull SQL Query List On MyBB

Usefull SQL Query List  On MyBB. For those of you who want to try please follow the tutorial that I will give full below correctly and appropriately!

 Reset admin usergroup post count to zero (Assuming the admins group ID is "4"):

UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `postnum` = '0' WHERE `usergroup` = '4' 

To force the Classic Postbit (requires template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `classicpostbit` = '1' WHERE `classicpostbit` = '0' 

To force the Horizontal Postbit (requires template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `classicpostbit` = '0' WHERE `classicpostbit` = '1' 

To set a lost/forgotten password to 'test' for a user (requires you to change X to the uid of the user this will apply to):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `password` = '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', `salt` = '' WHERE `uid` = 'X' 

To put you back into the Admin usergroup if you get changed to a different group (Assuming that the admins user ID is "1"):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usergroup` = '4' WHERE `uid` = '1' 

Turn off thread ratings in all forums (requires you to also rebuild the 'forums' cache in the ACP):
UPDATE `mybb_forums` SET `allowtratings` = '0' WHERE `allowtratings` = '1' 

Turn on thread ratings in all forums (requires you to also rebuild the 'forums' cache in the ACP):
UPDATE `mybb_forums` SET `allowtratings` = '1' WHERE `allowtratings` = '0' 

Make all invisible people visible (requires template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `invisible` = '0' WHERE `invisible` = '1' 

Remove all avatars (requires settings/template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `avatar` = '' 

Remove all sigs (requires template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `signature` = '' 

Remove all custom usertitles (requires settings/template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usertitle` = '' 

Set all people to recieve admin emails (requires template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `allownotices` = '1' WHERE `allownotices` = '0' 

Set all people to recieve PMs (requires template changes to remove option to change again):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `receivepms` = '1' WHERE `receivepms` = '0' 

Activate all members awaiting activation:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usergroup` = '2' WHERE `usergroup` = '5' 

Delete all members awaiting activation:
DELETE FROM `mybb_users` WHERE `usergroup` = '5' 

Sets everyone to automatically receive an email when they receive a private message:
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `pmnotify` = '1'; 

Places all users with a post count of less than 100 into a specific usergroup (Change the user group ID to suit):
UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `usergroup` = '1' WHERE `postnum` < '100'; 

Sets all your forums closed threads to open:
UPDATE mybb_threads SET closed='' WHERE closed='1' 

Displays all your users email addresses in phpmyadmin:
SELECT `email` FROM `mybb_users`; 

Removes a user profile field (Change the XX to the profile field ID):
UPDATE mybb_userfields SET fidXX=''; 

Delete all users from a group (Edit the group ID):
DELETE FROM `mybb_users` WHERE `usergroup` = '1'; 

Displays last 5 posts created, in phpmyadmin:
SELECT * FROM (mybb_threads t, mybb_posts p) WHERE p.tid=t.tid ORDER BY p.dateline DESC LIMIT 5 

Displays last 5 threads created, in phpmyadmin:
SELECT * FROM mybb_threads ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 5

Force Default Icons on threads without Thread Icons (Change "X" with the thread icon ID):
UPDATE `mybb_threads` SET `icon` = 'X' WHERE `icon` = '' OR `icon` = '0'; 

Display the quick reply box for all users:

UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `showquickreply` = '1' 

Turn on redirection pages for all users:

UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `showredirect` = '1' 

Set all users to receive a notice when they receive a PM:

UPDATE `mybb_users` SET `pmnotice` = '1' WHERE `pmnotice` = '0'

Delete as users private messages Change "X" to the with the users ID:

DELETE FROM mybb_privatemessages WHERE uid='1'

Usefull SQL Query List  On MyBB

It is Usefull SQL Query List  On MyBBmay be useful for you!

thumbnail Title: Usefull SQL Query List On MyBB
Posted by:Stuard Van
Published :2013-09-18T10:00:00-07:00
Rating: 5
Reviewer: 5 Reviews
Usefull SQL Query List On MyBB
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